The Perfecting of Molly Gardner (The Molly Gardner Series Book Two)

Moving to Cameron Valley, the small hometown of her boyfriend, Josh, Molly imagined she’d be knee-deep in the community with plenty to do.

But, so far, all she’s done is join a reluctant country women’s group and offend the locals with ideas to improve the town.

When Josh’s ex, Pippy Henderson, returns to Cameron Valley, Molly finds it even harder to find her place, particularly when Pippy makes it clear she is back to claim what was once hers.

There’s only one thing for it.

To one-up Pippy with a bake-off event Cameron Valley will never forget.

Can she pull off a perfect day and show Josh and the town that she belongs?

Or will she find fitting in isn’t always a piece of cake?

256 page paperback
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